Wednesday, November 9, 2022 (15:00 - 17:00) GMT +05:30
Modern automobiles incorporate an increasing number of advanced electronics systems, which will soon become the major cost driver. Systems range from safety, engine management, on-board communication networks and multiple external communication and telemetry systems. With the move towards autonomous vehicles, connected vehicles and 5G cellular, the complexity of systems and the amount of data managed internally and transmitted externally will increase significantly. Achieving most optimum EV design involves multidisciplinary optimization including electric motor and drive. We need new concepts in electromagnetic compatibility with very high currents flowing in the powertrain in order to protect humans and electronics components from the electromagnetic fields created by these currents.
This webinar highlights the challenges facing traditional vehicle engineers as their products incorporate more electronics and communication as well as becoming electric or hybrid. Our expert also discusses simulation and platform solutions to manage this complexity as well as regulatory issues to ensure optimal design is achieved at best cost.
Why new vehicles continue to incorporate more electronics and high tech systems
How electronics and communication systems are driving the future of the automobile
Why simulation is critical for the design of electric vehicular drive systems and regulatory compliance.
Understand the critical connections between domains of physics to ensure optimal design
Industry Process Consultant at Dassault Systรจmes India
India Industry Process Consultant at Dassault Systรจmes India